Understanding Computer Operating system is a computer software or software that is tasked to carry out the control and management of hardware and basic system operations, including the execution of software applications such as data processing programs that can be used to facilitate human activity. Operating Systems in English is called the Operating System, or regular short OS.
Operating System software on your computer is the first layer that is placed on a computer memory (memory of the computer in this case there is the hard drive, not memory ram) when the computer is turned on. While other software is run after the computer operating system is running, and the OS will perform core public services for that software.
Common core services such as access to the disk, memory management, task scheduling, and user interfaces. So that each software no longer have a common core tasks, because it can be served and performed by the operating system. Sections of code that perform core tasks and general named by an operating system kernel.
Operating Systems serves as a liaison between the hardware layer and the software layer. in addition, the computer operating system also does all the important commands in the computer, and ensure that different applications can run smoothly functions simultaneously without a hitch. Computer Operating System ensure application software can use the memory, performs input and output to other equipment, and have access to the file system.
If several applications are
Examples of Computer Operating Systems
Examples of such computer operating system is Windows, Linux, MacOS, and others. Below is the user interface operating system Windows 7, Linux (Ubuntu), and Mac OS X
1. Display interface of windows 7

2. Linux Ubuntu Display Interface

3. Display Interface Of Mac OS X Operating System

That is the explanation of the meaning of computer operating systems, may be useful for those that need it.
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