23 January 2013

History of Computer Operating Systems

As we know, the computer consists of software and hardware. These devices will not be much use if there is not an operating system (OS) or operating system that works on it. This system is a major part of computer programming.

OS history began in 1950, when the system is applied to the second generation of computers. At first, the computer does not have this system, and are not familiar with programming. The earliest version of the system used by General Motors Research Laboratories.OS first IBM 701 was equipped with computer architecture. This is the main foundation stones for the next OS history.

The operating system used is called batch processing system. The system continues to dominate the next decade of computer history. And in the year 1960 which is the beginning of the third generation computer starts, the system is added with another technique called spooling (simultaneous peripheral operations on line). An additional technique makes programming operations faster than ever.

With programming speed spooling technique makes high-speed devices such as disks and low-speed devices involved with the program input / output. In addition, the present technique the next time-sharing technique, a variant of multiprogramming techniques.

The user is directly connected to the terminal. And, the computer system to respond quickly to user requests. Multiprogram time-sharing system was developed for a large number of simultaneous interactive users.

In the fourth generation in 1970, the computer opens a new chapter with the era of the personal computer or PC. In this era, the operating system, circuit, and chip successfully entered into the computer system. MS-DOS operating system, the Intel 8088 CPU, and UNIX is a major OS that dominates the personal computer field.

The computer operating system now is a series in the history and development of computer operating systems.

History of Operating Systems - MS-DOS system

MS-DOS made under Seattle Computer Products (SCP), a computer maker headed by Patterson. Later, the company Microsoft hired Patterson to develop DOS (in 1980) as a software system with the name Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), and subsequent renamed 86-DOS.

Then, Microsoft purchased a license for U.S. $ 50,000 from SCP and changed its name to MS-DOS. Then, Microsoft sells licenses MS-DOS to IBM when IBM wanted to launch a personal computer (IBM PC)

Over time, MS-DOS continued to develop its variants. The following versions of MS-DOS.

1. DOS 1.0: DOS version is the earliest. Being able to access the disk drive with a capacity of 320 Kilobytes.
2. DOS 2.0: advantages of this version is to have a country to set the operation command date and time in a country.
3. DOS 3.0: support (suport) 1.2 Megabyte disk drive usage and adoption RAMdisk.
4. DOS 3.1: This version has an advantage in computer network systems.
5. DOS 3.2: able to utilize 3.5-inch disk drive size of 729 Kilobytes.
6. DOS 3.3: unable to consume 32 Megabyte hard disk.
7. DOS 4.0: has the facility shell to control the computer work with the system menu.
8. DOS 5.0: the addition of facilities (features) such new MIRROR, UNDELETE, and unformat.
9. DOS 6.0: there are additional configuration commands and batch files.

History of Operating Systems - Windows System

Windows is an OS graphical user interface (GUI). Windows developed by Microsoft in 1983 to replace the Operating System (MS-DOS) used the IBM PC in 1981

GUI model who first made Microsoft known as Interface
Manager. This model was made after the advent of Mac OS (Macintosh Operating System), a Steve Jobs made Apple's OS. Together with Apple, Microsoft made some software that works under Mac as Word and Excel.

In the history of computer operating systems, development and addition of features Windows continues until today and produce a different version of Windows. Here are the versions of Windows.

1. Windows version 1.0: an earlier version of Windows, released in 1985. This version has a lot of flaws and more like a version of MS-DOS extended.

2. Windows version 2.0: Created in 1987 and supported graphics applications such as Word and Excel. Windows operating system to OS GUI of a general nature.

3. Windows version 3.0: created in 1990 with the addition of capabilities to run applications and multitask systems also support virtual memory.

4. Windows version 3.1: This is a revised version of the 3.0 version by adding support multimedia capabilities.

5. Windows NT: This operating system was first introduced in 1992 and became popular because of some of its features can be used on a LAN.

6. Windows NT 4.0: This system is a continuation of the first Windows 95 was released. Windows NT 4.0 has four variants, namely:
- Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
- Windows NT 4.0 Server
- Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Server
- Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server

7. Windows 98: an improvement over Windows 95. Launched on 25 July 1998 and integrated with the Internet Explorer browser. And in 1999, launched Windows 98 Second Edition with the addition of Internet Connection Sharing feature.

8. Windows 2000: launched in February 2000 and is known as NT 5.0. Windows 2000 comes with four forms:
- Windows 2000 Professional
- Windows 2000 Server
- Windows 2000 Advanced Server
- Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

9. Windows ME: introduced in 2000. Windows ME (Millennium Edition) is the development and improvement of Windows 98. Some of the added features such as multimedia features, Internet and Utility System Restore.

10. Windows XP: issued in 2001. This system is a combination of Windows NT/2000 and Windows 3.1/95/98/ME. Windows XP has many variants, namely:
- Windows XP Home Edition: used for PCs and laptops (notebooks).
- Windows XP Home Edition N: without Windows Media Player.
- Windows XP Professional Edition: used for business applications.
- Windows XP Professional Edition N: without Windows Media Player.
- Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE): Launched in November 2002 with the addition of features audio, video, and PVR.
- Windows XP Media Center Edition 2003
- Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004
- Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005: launched on October 12, 2004.
- Windows XP Tablet PC Edition: used for tablet PCs, notebooks with touch screen (touch screens)
- Windows XP Embedded
- Windows XP Starter Edition. Diuncurkan for developing countries.
- Windows XP Professional x64 Edition: The system supports 64-bit utility prosessors, launched in April 2005.

11. Windows 2003 server: issued on 24 April 2003. This system has six forms of operating systems, namely:
- Small Business Server
- Web Edition
- Standard Edition
- Enterprise Edition (32 and 64-bit)
- Datacenter Edition
- Storage Server

12. Windows Vista: the system is released on 30 November 2006 with the addition of graphical functions that are similar to Apple's Mac OS X.

History of Operating Systems - System MAC OS

In the history of computer operating systems, Mac OS (Macintosh Operating System) is an operating system made by Apple and introduced in 1984. The system is specialized for Macintosh computers and is not compatible with the IBM PC.

Mac OS system there are two types, namely:

1. Mac OS Classic: created in 1984 with the variant to Mac OS 9. This system is known as a system that does not have any command line (command line), and the system uses the user interface (UI).

2. Mac OS X: this system is the development of Mac OS Classic. Mac OS X contains the elements of BSD Unix, OPENSTEP, and Mac OS 9 and has a Unix-style memory and pre-emptive multitasking to the Mac platform.

Increasingly, the history of computer operating systems will grow even more advanced in accordance with the development of computer technology and the needs of the community. Can we keep up?


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