Operating System is a liaison / interface between the user of the computer with the computer hardware. Before any operating system, people just use the computer using analog signals and digital signals. Along with the development of science and technology, there are now a variety of operating systems with the advantages of each. To better understand the operating system, then you should need to know first some basic concepts about the operating system itself. General understanding of the operating system is managing all of the resources contained in the computer system, and provides a set of services (system calls) to the user making it easier and comforting use of resources and use of computer systems.
1. Basic Function Computer Operating Systems
The computer system is basically composed of four main components: hardware devices, application programs, operating systems, and users. The operating system serves to regulate and supervise the use of hardware by different application programs and users. Operating system functions like a government in a country, in a sense makes the condition of the computer to run the program correctly.
To avoid the conflicts that occur when users use the same facility, the operating system manage which users can access the facility. The operating system is also often called the resource allocator. One more important function is as an operating system control program that aims to avoid confusion (error) and the use of computers that do not need to.
2. Target Operating System
The operating system has three main objectives, namely comfort, making a more comfortable computer use, the use of resources in an efficient computer system, and capable of evolving. The operating system must be built to allow and facilitate the
3. Types of Operating Systems
As mentioned before many types of operating systems that can be used, among other things:
MS Windows,
APPLE, etc..
Of the many existing operating systems that interface with the user (users)
TEXT-based (DOS, POSIX, LINUX) there is also a
berbasi GUI (Graphical User Interface) like MS Windows
and Linux (LINUX can TEXT based and GUI-based).
In this module the discussion will be focused to a TEXT-based operating system. Of the TEXT-based operating systems, LINUX be an option. One thing that sets Linux to other operating systems is the price. Linux is cheaper and can be copied and redistributed without paying any fees or royalties to someone. But there are other things more important than price considerations, namely the source code. Linux source code is available to everyone so that everyone can be directly involved in its development, this is known as "open source".
This freedom has allowed hardware vendors make drivers for a particular device without having to get an expensive license source code or sign a "Non Disclosure Agreement" (NDA). Because Linux is freely available on the internet, many vendors have created a package that can be regarded as distrbusi packaged version of Linux. All of that makes Linux is growing very rapidly, and may be in the future users will beralaih to this operating system.
4. Additional
Comparison of Linux to other operating systems
Linux operating system is based on standard POSIX real UNIX derived based on job function. UNIX is compatible with Linux at the system call level, this means that most programs written for UNIX or Linux can be recompiled and run on other systems with minimal changes. Generally speaking, Linux runs faster than UNIX on the same type of hardware. And again, UNIX has a weakness, that is not free.
MS-DOS has a resemblance to the Linux file system is hierarchical. But MS-DOS can only run on x86 processors, and does not support multi-user and multi-tasking, as well as non-free. MS-DOS did not have a good support to interoperate with other operating systems, including the unavailability of network software.
MS windows have flaws like those of MS-DOS. Time to find a bug in an operating system is not worth the price paid.
While the apple for macintosh operating system can only run on Mac systems, and also has a shortage of the availability of assistive device developers (development tool), and not easy to work with other operating systems.
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